Phase 4 : Furniture.
Importer & Brands positioning.
Importer & Brands positioning
After having bought the impressive mansion and national monument “Huis Landfort”, I researched the ideal furniture. Our preferred brand (Christopher Guy) was not available in the Benelux so I contacted the owner in Singapore, flew to a major furniture market in the USA, presented a business plan and obtained the exclusive distribution rights for the Benelux. Christopher Guy traditionally produces furniture and mirrors but developed into a leading elegant lifestyle concept.
Landfort Living was born. My own lifestyle collection consisted of several prestigious brands that were unknown to customers in the Benelux. Various other brands demonstrated their interest to join our concept, amongst which an exclusive Italian lifestyle brand Costantini Pietro, and 2 impressive companies for design lighting : Lasvit (Tsjech Republic) and Melogranoblu (Italy).
With a team of 8, Landfort Living introduced 3 furniture brands and 7 lighting brands. From 2008 until 2017 I managed Landfort Living. Selling the mansion created the window to transfer the distribution to the various brands.